Head of Unit Communication from the President’s Office, Planning Commission Bi. Joyce Mkinga (left) explaining to journalists (they are not pictured) about the involvement of the private sector in the implementation of development for the year 2013/2014, during a meeting held in the hall of the Department of Information (DETAILS) Today in Dar es Salaam.Kulia is Chief Information Department of Information (DETAILS) Bi. Fatma Salum. senior economist from the President’s Office, Planning Commission Mr. Andrea Aloyce (left) explaining to journalists (they are not pictured) about the government plan to increase lending to the private sector at 20 percent of GDP by June 2014 from 18 percent General Unit Communication from the Office Bi. Joyce Mkinga
Photo by Hassan Silayo-DESCRIPTION
Development Plan of the Year 2013/14 is a continuation of the implementation of the Development Plan Five Year (2011/12 – 2015/16) This program is designed to focus on the priorities of the Development Plan Five Years, which are infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, human resource development and promotion of tourism services, business and finance.
This program is based on strategic priority areas to bring immediate results of economic growth and reduce poverty. development projects implemented in the year 2013/14 is divided into two areas;
Miradiyakitaifayakimkakatiambayoinamatokeoyaharakayaukuajiuchumi, inayochocheamaendeleoyamaeneomenginenainayovutiauwekezajiwasektabinafsi. (Infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, rasilimaliwatunahudumazautalii,
Miradiyakitaifayakimkakatiambayoinamatokeoyaharakayaukuajiuchumi, inayochocheamaendeleoyamaeneomenginenainayovutiauwekezajiwasektabinafsi. (Infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing, rasilimaliwatunahudumazautalii,
In the implementation of the Annual Development Plan 2013/14, Government to recognize the importance and contribution of the private sector in economic development in the community through investment, continued to improve the business environment and investment in order to attract private sector participation in the implementation of development projects. In this program the Government is committed to increase lending to the private sector reaching 20.0 percent of GDP by June 2014 from 18.0 percent in 2012 to enable the private sector to contribute to national economic growth and development involved other activities
Several steps have been taken to ensure the private sector to actively participate in the implementation of development projects. Such measures include the availability of Policy Partnership between the Government and the Private Sector (PPP) and complete guide to implementing policies, laws and regulations of the partnership between the public sector and the private sector – PPP.
Impressive gains in the private sector to contribute to economic growth and development plan for the year 2012/13 included 186 registered industrial projects where among the 157 projects were registered with the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) and 29 registered and EPZ Authority.
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