Members of parliament (CHADEMA) Halima Mdee, Esther Matiko and Esta Bulaya were
released from the prison earlier today 12th March 2020 after their 110
million fine to be paid.
Members of parliament (CHADEMA) Halima Mdee, Esther Matiko and Esta Bulaya were
released from the prison earlier today 12th March 2020 after their 110
million fine to be paid.
three MPs were required to be released yesterday after a very successful fundraising
done by CHADEMA members and Tanzanians but some custodial technicalities made
it Impossible.
three MPs were required to be released yesterday after a very successful fundraising
done by CHADEMA members and Tanzanians but some custodial technicalities made
it Impossible.
Chairman of CHADEMA Mr. Freeman Mbowe was with them plus other four leaders who
sentenced by Kisutu resident Magistrate court on Tuesday 10th March
Chairman of CHADEMA Mr. Freeman Mbowe was with them plus other four leaders who
sentenced by Kisutu resident Magistrate court on Tuesday 10th March
eight CHADEMA leaders were found guilty in sedition, incitement charges and
also accused by arranging an illegal demonstration which led to the death of
Akwilina Akwilini, who was a student at National Institute of Transport (NIT)
in February, 2018.
eight CHADEMA leaders were found guilty in sedition, incitement charges and
also accused by arranging an illegal demonstration which led to the death of
Akwilina Akwilini, who was a student at National Institute of Transport (NIT)
in February, 2018.
to CHADEMA senior leaders, the party continues to raise funds so that other leaders
can be released from the prison.
to CHADEMA senior leaders, the party continues to raise funds so that other leaders
can be released from the prison.
their press conference after being released, Halima Mdee gave her thanks to all
Tanzanians who paid their fine.
their press conference after being released, Halima Mdee gave her thanks to all
Tanzanians who paid their fine.